Tag Archives: hot

Soompi Awards and Kpop songs

Kpop Exo Photo
Exo Profile Photo


What is Soompi?

Plainly put, Soompi is an international answer to non-Korean speaking fans of the raving K-pop culture.
They cover all or Koreans idols from names such as G-Dragon and Girls’ Generation, to starting and new groups.
Gossip, photos, reviews and overall obsessions in the Korean world of pop.


What are K-pop songs like these days?

Well, better than 30 years ago but not 20 years ago. I mean, no one messes with the old school fashion surrounding HOT, GOD, Seotaiji‘s stage wear and hairstyles.
The clever and upbeat songs of Jewelry. Plus, Kim Jong K0ok(from the Korean TV series Running Man) and Tim rocked out the ballads of love.
So jumping to present day, I admit they have a few catchy songs but if I’m truthful, there is a lot of crappy ones.

Let me explain, with pure prejudice, Gangnam style by Psy and Crayon pop‘s bar bar bar is so horrific that I nearly vomit on my soul when I hear it. It’s catchy, real catchy, but it’s underdeveloped lyrics and play on the world YouTube need for humor, only shows money controls what artist produce these days.

Let me go even further and complain about the excessive boys in one group. EXO, Super Junior and nearly every other boy group over 5 members is just RIDICULOUS!

It only leaves a 5-10 second lyric for each member to sing. Do they all suck at singing that the producers compile as many members as possible to cover their lack of. Or is it the selling point for young school girls to fantasize about marrying these singers. To boost sakes if CDs and posters. But even with my cruel outlook in kpop these days, I’ll admit i stand drooling at Girls’ Generation. Even though I haven’t began to really explain my disgust of this generations K-pop influence issues, K-pop brings one awesome and fetishly fun object to the table. And that’s the fashion. The world all over is converting their lives to Koreans pop cultures wardrobe. The sleek and fashionable attire the boys and girls wear on a daily basis here in Korea, kinda make other countries look like beggars. I know back in the states their are two styles, hip hop thug and preppy jock. Which is just a disaster on all ends. But Koreans pop culture has developed almost 90% of the peoples closet. Meaning, almost everyone who is not over 40, looks hot and sexy. It’s a disease to dress this nice, but a good disease. I just walked into a bank and virtually every person is wearing designer clothes. But as K-pop develops, so does it’s culture in its needs to stay one step above the rest.


About Soompi awards 2013?

I won’t go into details of the editing or how much stress it was for the workers to get thank you speeches but what I can say is that the winners if this years Soompi awards deserved it.
Kind if funny to see these singers in their natural state, outside of costumes and fancy attire, and being themselves. If someone didn’t vote, no you know to vote for this years.
Soompi continues to impress and grow constantly. Soon they will be the leading, if not already, on Kpop news and culture.
The awards capture mobile and online votes from the public to cast the winners and favorites. A more interactive an non-rigged award ceremony.
Really looking forward to seeing next years winners, since Kpop group pop up so quickly and create new culture changes for Korea.

Watch K-pop stars interview video at Soompi awards 2013.